However, it still requires a couple of code adjustments to manage the successful launch and proper functioning of the program. Even better, it offers enhanced stability. It brings all the previously praised features of the original DOS-based app, allowing you to use them on modern computers. To open the XML file in Notepad, right-click on the XML file, select Open with once again, and choose Notepad. A plain text editor is great when you just need to view the file, make small edits, and share it with someone else. In conclusion, Turbo C++ is a tool that fans of Borland C++ should use. This means you can open XML files using any text editor such as Notepad. However, it requires a few code adjustments for the app to function properly. Aside from solving compatibility issues, it relies on a simple installation process.

It can also run in both windowed and full-screen mode. More than allowing you to launch it on modern computers, the app comes built with enhanced stability thanks to the emulation of the old DOS environment. It also incorporates a few project samples. Additionally, it comes with code inspection, watches, and tracing features. As mentioned, it carries all the features and toolsets of the original Borland app, including a compiler, a debugger, the DOS shell, and breakpoints. Turbo C++ is one of the most reliable alternatives to manually attempting to solve Turbo C++'s incompatibility issues with modern Windows computers. Luckily, there are a few workarounds that you can use.

Unfortunately, the program's compatibility with the latest Windows versions is debatable.
Software development tools may have surpassed them over the years, but still the Borland app has its uses today. The developer Borland achieved immense success with the release of Turbo and Borland C++, which were, at the time, the most reliable IDE platforms for amateur and professional programmers.