Battle axe 3.5
Battle axe 3.5

battle axe 3.5

Use tTimeout(newTimeout) to increase the timeout value, if this is a long-running test."ĪXe core does not work when timers (setTimeout) are mocked. TLDR Need ideas for a magic great axe that doesnt just give stat bonuses, but more options in combat Edit 1: The PCs are currently level 3. Thrown: "Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a test. Note: You may need to extend jest by importing jest-axe/extend-expect at test-setup.ts Usage with eFakeTimers() or mocking setTimeout Power Attack as hard as you want without decreasing the odds you'll hit when you swing.Import ) If you charge and Power Attack by at least -5, you can shunt as much of the attack roll penalty to your AC for the next round, on top of the -2 to AC you get for charging in the first place. The third maneuver, however, is why you're taking Shock Trooper. Two of them are interesting and can be exploited by other builds. This Tactical Feat allows you use of 3 maneuvers.

  • Fighter 6- Fighter Bonus Feat: Shock Trooper (Complete Warrior, pg 112).
  • Battle Axes Feast has 3.5 stars from 3 reviews. But wait, you don't want to take so much off your attack roll, or you won't hit your foe. Delivery & Pickup Options - 3 reviews of Battle Axes Feast Tried Battle Axes Feast for the 1st time. That -2 from your attack roll just turned into +16 damage when you do a Two-Handed Valorous Leap Attack! If you Power Attack the whole -6 at 6th level, you're adding 48 damage. The prevailing errata on Leap Attack means that when your charge end in a jump that covers at least 10 feet, add +100% of your power attack damage.

    battle axe 3.5

    Sixth Level Feat: Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer, pg 110). What was just thematic a level ago is suddenly doubling your offensive capabilities.


    Fighter 5- You now get your second attack on a full attack, which you get whenever you charge because of Pounce from the Lion Totem.If you think that's good, hang on because the ride gets crazy from here. Two-handed Valorous PA means -1 or -2 from attack turn into +4 or +8 damage. If you're confident, Power Attack by taking just 1 or 2 off your attack roll. If you've got decent Strength, you should be able to hit consistently, and get decent damage from swinging two-handed. Charge in, connect for double damage, drop a goon. If the weapon has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, the weapon is epic. Unlike the additional cost, the increase the weapon's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities. At this point, you should start to look really, really good in combat against chump clumps. Increase total cost for magical enhancement by 2,000 gp for cold iron weapons. Now, whenever you drop an enemy, you can hit another one. from publication: Killing (constructed) horses: Interspecies elders, empathy and emotion. Fighter 4- Fighter Bonus Feat: Great Cleave (PHB). Pazyryk horse showing multiple battle-axe wounds.At the cost of a +1 Bonus price, your weapon now does double damage on a charge. Use your wealth at this point to get a magic Spiked Chain, and if you can afford it, get the Valorous enchantment for weapons from the book, Unapprochable East (pg 54). This increases your threatened spaces on the grid from a 3x3 shape to a 5x5 shape, a 300% increase in Cleaving Potential. You have 10-foot reach and still threaten adjacent squares. The Spiked Chain is easily the best weapon in the game, barring exceptional circumstances. Third Level Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain (PHB). Don't feel compelled to Bull Rush just because you can. You need this feat for later to qualify for the Shock Trooper feat. This axe weighs less than a pound and a half with its form-fitted carrying case. The blade is hollow, which makes the axe easy to hang for storage. Fighter 2- Fighter Bonus Feat: Improved Bull Rush (PHB). This tactical tomahawk from Hogue is as futuristic looking as the CRKT model is timeless.Fighter gives you Bonus Feats and full BAB. Fighter 1- This build is feat-intensive.The amount of damage done to armor is half that of the damage points absorbed by the armor and typically lies in the 1 7 points range. Maces also do damage to armor everytime the armor absorbs damage. You don't even need to take more levels of Barbarian! First level feat: Power Attack (Players Handbook). Maces do an extra damage of 3 to 5 points to the victims stamina if a hit is made. And you get it at Barbarian 1 instead of getting fast movement.

    battle axe 3.5

    It's brutal in this build, and truly valuable for any melee fighting character.

    battle axe 3.5

    In other words, you can charge and full attack. Lion is awesome, because it gives you the Pounce ability. Barbarian 1- Lion Totem Variant: Complete Champion, pg 46, gives Barbarians some options not found in the Players Handbook, in the form of spirit totems.


    How to build a basic awesome charging fighter by level 7:

    Battle axe 3.5